About Addison Chiropractic
and Sports Clinic
How can we help you
Success defined in a different way
Chiropractic care is about prevention and keeping you healthy. Addison Chiropractic and Sports Clinic takes a compressive approach to health care and looks at your overall body health. Some of the benefits of Chiropractic Care include:
- Better joint mobility – tightens loose muscles and loosens tight muscles and improves muscle strength.
- Increases energy, vitality and improves sleep.
- Improves athletic performance
- Relieves pain
- Relieves and improves prenatal discomfort.
Dr. Jason Addison is a Certified Chiropractor in Kennesaw expert in acute & chronic pain, car accident injuries, and many more. The specialties that make Addison chiropractic and sports clinic different are Specialized Treatments & Services and a Personal and Fun Team.
Our focus is on health and healing while helping you maintain optimum performance levels. Below are the services which we provide:
- Chiropractic Care
- Spinal Decompression
- Cold laser
- Shockwave Therapy & many more
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Cutting-edge Chiropractic Treatment
Skilled Enough to Care For World Class Athletes, Compassionate Enough to Care for World Class Families.
Addison Chiropractic Clinic Office Tour
Lobby Area
Treatment Room
Concussion/Whiplash Recovery
Shockwave Treatment
Dr. Jason Addison
Addison Sports Clinic